As the holiday season approaches, we would like to take a moment to thank you for your continued support throughout the year. Please note that our office will be closed from Monday, December 23rd to Wednesday, January 1st. We will resume normal office hours on Thursday, January 2nd.
If you have any urgent service or emergency-related issues during this time, please don’t hesitate to call 403-279-7725 and dial 1 for immediate assistance.
We wish you and your loved ones a joyful holiday season and look forward to serving you in the New Year!
Warm regards,
The Rolco Shutters Team
Winter Care Instructions to
Protect Your Investment
With the winter finally here, we have noticed several similar issues arising due to the weather. Taking proper care of your security roll shutters during the winter months ahead is essential to ensure their functionality and longevity. Here are some winter care instructions to follow:
- Always be in viewing range of your shutter during operation of both directions. This will ensure that any obstructions are avoided and will reduce the risk of damage or personal injury. Motors do not have obstacle detection mechanisms and will be damaged if lowered onto an obstruction. Obstructions include but are not limited to door closures, tools, furniture etc.
- Inspect for damage: Check the shutters for any signs of damage, such as dents or cracks. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage during the winter .
3. Clear Debris: Make sure the area around the shutters is free or snow, ice, or debris. Accumulated snow or ice can obstruct the operation of the shutters and may cause damage when opening or closing them.
- Do not force to operate. If it is motorized, stop immediately if you hear any unusual noises. This may be the motor trying to force the shutter open or closed. THIS WILL CAUSE DAMAGE.
5. Ensure the side rails are also clear and free of snow, ice and debris and use DRY LUBE (not WD40) if the curtain appears to be sticking at any point. DO NOT use WD40 or any other product that will ‘grease’ the rails. This will cause damage.
- Emergency preparedness: Have a plan in place in case your shutters become
stuck or malfunction during a winter storm. - Do not allow children to operate without supervision
Exclusions on Warranty Coverage:
- Damage caused by “Acts of Nature.” i.e. snow or ice build up.
2. Damage caused by an accident.
3. Damage caused by external force or cause, including but not limited to damage by abuse, misuse, or negligence.
4. Damages caused by improper electrical hook-up.
5. Warranty claims may be subject to labour and service fees but will be determined upon inspection.
6. Service calls are NOT covered under warranty after 1 year, whether emergency or regular service call.By following these winter care instructions, you can help protect your security roll shutter(s) from damage and ensure
they function effectively throughout the cold season.Office Hours:
– Monday: 7:30am-4pm
– Tuesday: 7:30am-4pm
– Wednesday: 7:30am-4pm
– Thursday: 7:30am-4pm
– Friday: 7:30am-4pm
– Saturday: CLOSED
– Sunday: CLOSEDEmergency Services: For added comfort we operate a after hours, Emergency Line 403-279-772